Safeteen - English
Safeteen - English
Safeteen: Powerful Alternatives to Violence offers an in-depth look at the issues and skills taught in the highly acclaimed SafeTeen workshops. It addresses issues relevant to the everyday lives of adolescents, including:
- How to access inner strength and form healthy relationships.
- The importance of building and respecting personal boundaries.
- How to deal with bullying and sexual harassment.
- The importance of embracing diversity and understanding the roots of racism, sexism and homophobia.
- How to make wise choices about personal safety, high risk behaviours, and self harming practises.
"Roberts combines personal anecdotes, psychological theory, role-playing exercises and lively scenarios about teens into a potent, engaging, practical and inspiring work. Here is a timely, necessary and powerful book for all parents and educators – and teenagers – that offers lifelong alternatives to all forms of violence."
“Safeteen - Powerful Alternatives to Violence is a truly revolutionary book. Many adults tell kids who are bullied to ‘just walk away’ or ‘report it’. Kids say these are two things they won’t do. Safeteen empowers kids to prevent violence themselves.”